Friday, May 22, 2009

0 Unlocker 1.8[DIRECT DOWNLOAD]

This application unlocks in-use files, allowing functions to be performed on theme.
Unlocker adds a simple context menu (right-click) entry that allows for quick and easy "unlocking" of files. No more rebooting to delete files that are in use.

What's New in Unlocker 1.8.7 :

· Fixed bug: Unlocker should not create event logs anymore.
· Fixed bug: Unlocker should not take minutes to close on certain configurations anymore.
· Fixed bug: Unlocker should not lock DLLs not used by Unlocker anymore.
· Fixed bug: Fixed potential driver bug.
· Fixed bug: Miscellaneous handle leaks.
· Improved behavior: Improved deleting/renaming/moving files such as C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash9e.ocx for example.
· Improved behavior: When right-clicking files or folders and selecting Unlocker, those are automatically deselected. It helps with movie files and removable drives.
· Improved UI: Icon looks correct now on Windows Vista
· Promotional feature: Added fully optional shortcuts to eBay during the installation. Simply untick "eBay shortcuts" in the choose components page during install if you do not wish to have those.

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