Wednesday, September 30, 2009
3 300[DVD Rip-2006]

File Size:701MB
Desc:300 tells the story of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. Persians under the rule of King Xerxes have already taken over some of the Hellenic city-states, and now threaten Sparta and Athens. King Leonidas of Sparta is left with two options: he will either have to sacrifice himself for the well-being of Sparta or watch it burn to the ground. Choosing the former, Leonidas forms an army of 300 Spartan warriors to block the narrow passage of Thermopylae where Xerxes intends to reach Hellas. A must watch movie!!
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this is very very nice movie .......very nice editing done......
is it nice movie i havnt heard about it let me download.....
yes it is nice movie with great special effects!!
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